Audio text allows voice and data to travel over the same plain old telephone service phone line during the same call. 声音文本允许在同一通话期间,声音与数据通过普通的旧有电话服务的同一线路上进行传输。
Test of asymmetrical digital subscriber line ( ADSL), based on POTS ( plain old telephone service) and broadband character, is used to confirm the fault. 不对称数字用户线(ADSL)的线路测试,基于窄带和宽带特性确定其故障。
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop ( ADSL) is the technology that provides high-speed, asymmetric data access, synchronously the potential of Twisted Pair ( TP) is utilized, and the Plain Old Telephone Service ( POTS) is not interrupted. 非对称数字用户线(ADSL)技术以充分利用现有双绞线资源的潜力为出发点,在不影响电话业务的同时,提供高速、非对称的数据接入。